Many people have been confused on how to change or even if the shields casting name can be changed, Why would you want to change the casting name.
Reasons to change the casting name of the shield:
You have two or more shields on the same network.To identify what shield you are casting to.Knowing Which shield tv you want to cast to and so on…so now we know a simple few reasons on why you would want to change the casting name below are very easy and simple instructions on how to change nvidia shield tv casting name.
How To Change Nvidia Shield Tv Casting Name:
Settings -> About -> Device NameOrSettings -> Device Preferences -> About -> [...]Here is a simple guide on how to make a Full windows 10 image backup.
If anything goes wrong in the future you will have a full recovery image to restore your system back to.
without the expense of a third party software to do it for you.
Why would we need a system image backup: We get a virusWe get hackedIf our hard drive failsno recovery option (no branded recovery software or DVD’s)Spyware takes over your systemA trojan takes over your systemFull system failureHDD/SSD fails, Corrupt, Damaged or moreIf Your System has becomes slow and unresponsive, installed software that wasn’t [...]We have recently come across a issue with the updates from the call of duty warzone servers, we are stuck on the connecting to online services is as far as we can get into the game.
There is an easy fix and we are going to try and help everyone with this simple explanation on how to fix it.
All that you need to do is change the dns server that your computer uses by default to a free dns server that is updated with the call of duty warzone server address.
How To Fix The ISSUE:
Method 1:
you need to update your DNS server on your computer.
In Cortana, search for “View Network Connections”.
Right click the Ethernet [...]
Block Attacks Using your HOSTS File includes entries for most major parasites, hijackers and unwanted Adware/Spyware programs!, Using your hosts file to block attacks getting their connections to your system.
This guide is inspired from MVPS Hosts work maintaining the hosts file
Help Protect your pc online Don’t visit websites you don’t know or trust.Don’t click follow LINKS from sites you don’t know or TRUSTUsually online ad looks to good to be true!, they are trying to get your personal detail ( usernames, passwords, bank details ) DO NOT CLICK THE LINK/AD FOR IT.Don’t be mislead by ads, if [...]