Here is a simple guide on how to make a Full windows 10 image backup.
If anything goes wrong in the future you will have a full recovery image to restore your system back to.
without the expense of a third party software to do it for you.
Why would we need a system image backup: We get a virusWe get hackedIf our hard drive failsno recovery option (no branded recovery software or DVD’s)Spyware takes over your systemA trojan takes over your systemFull system failureHDD/SSD fails, Corrupt, Damaged or moreIf Your System has becomes slow and unresponsive, installed software that wasn’t [...]This is the device used and setup using this review.
The above device shows in the listing as a USB 3.0 device ( That is wrong it is a USB 2.0 with a blue colored USB Male port )
Have you ever gone to twitch or youtube and watched a video or Live stream and wondered how do they do this ?, then walked away from your computer or laptop and been doing your normal thing through your day, but in the back of your mind all you can think about is how do they do that.
Here in this review we are going to take a look at a new device on the market that not only allows you to capture your gameplay, but this device also allows you to Live Stream from almost any [...]
This month loses the windows 7 End Of Life Support, And will leave users still on the 2009 operating system with a hard choice or a big bill.
Microsoft Windows 7 End Of Life SupportMicrosoft have been announcing to users for some time now, about the end of it support to windows 7.
User are now will have to either risk using the operating system without security fixes and support for the old operating system, Or upgrade the system to a new windows version “at a cost”, Or purchase a new device with compatible hardware with the latest operating system.
Also users now have the choice to upgrade “at a cost” to either windows 10, [...]