No-Ip is a ddns service and can easily be installed and updated on the raspberry pi available for all versions as they all run the same version of raspian.
This guide is as simple as we can make it.
Step 1: (Win 10 users) Open a cmd window and ssh to your raspberry pi
Step 2: Once logged in type the below codes 1 at a time.
Install the scriptTo install the required script on your Raspberry Pi, change to the /usr/local/src/ folder:
cd /usr/local/src/
Install the script using:
sudo wget
Then extract the files:
sudo tar xf [...]
This is a very simple option to change the dns of the pi-hole to IE, google, quad 9 or whatever you prefer after setting the pi-hole up, in just a few clicks you can change the dns your pi-hole uses.
Step 1: Login to your pi-holes admin page as pictured below
Enter your password and tick remember me for 7 days then click Log in
Step 2: click Setting in the left options list
Step 3: Click the DNS tab, then select which dns you want to use in the ipv4 list tick both boxes then scroll down and click on save
DO NOT USE THE CUSTOM 1 (ipv4) we have setup in our screenshot as this requires additional setup ( another guide to [...]
Do you want your theme in pi-hole to look like this then follow these simple instructions below and it will within just a few clicks
Step 1: Login to your pi-holes admin page as pictured below
Enter your password and tick remember me for 7 days then click Log in
Step 2: click Setting in the left options list
Step 3: Now Select API/Web Interface then choose Pi-Hole Deep Midnight theme ( dark ) Then Click Save
That’s all there is to it, you should now have the dark theme setup so the Admin Web (UI) won’t be as bright on your eyes and be a great read at night time also.
How to change Pi-Hole [...]
What Is Pi-Hole ?
Pi-Hole is a network-wide ad blocker. In a typical home, this can cut out almost all ads to all devices in your home, without having to install an ad blocker on every single device. using your home router and connecting the home router to the raspberry pi-hole system, we will talk you through and show you how to do this in this guide.
Nothing you can add to a network is 100% ad blocking but pi-hole is as good as most gets and requires very little customising after being setup it can be set to update automatically itself after being setup to how you want it.
Some of Pi Hole’s features:
It’s Free!!! All you need is a [...]